Thursday, 26 January 2012

Cartoon Eyes

In order to create the main part of the eye I made a spere and altered the hemisphere to 0.06 to create the iris. I then cloned this part of the eye and upped the hemisphere of the clone so that it reduced back to half way over the original sphere. Making the original sphere small gave definition and made the second sphere appear like the top eye lid. I altered the colour of this to make it more realistic and then went on to clone it, creating the bottom part of the eye lid. By rotating this part of the lid I made it look as the though both lids were covering the eye.

I then went on to add material to the original sphere, giving it a pupil. I did this by selecting the Multi/Sub-Object material in the Material Editor. This allowed me to keep the main part of the eye white and add the black to the pupil.

To be able to move the eye around and give it more shape I added an FFD Box. To do this I selected the FFD Box through create, spacewarps and then chose the option of deformable. I drew the box around the eye and altered the width, height and length so that the eye was surrounded by the box. I then went on to alter the parameters to 2x2x2. I bound the FFD Box to my eye by selectecting all of the spheres and binding them to the space warm. This allowed me to use the box to manipulate my eye into different shapes.