Thursday, 1 March 2012

Character Further Development

After Jo's comments I decided to develope the character of foxy further:

Name:  Foxy
Appearance:  Luxurious, shiny black fur, beautiful green eyes that turn black and white when Foxy is angry.
Goal:  To get the fish before he gets her.
Home:  A little house in the country.
Affiliations and Allies:  Foxy is a lonely character, not many people understand her wicked sense of humour, she tends to form fake friendships to get towards what she wants
Enemies:  The lodgers fish. Foxy find his whole look very annoying and would love to hit him in his goggly eyes!

Likes:  Foxy enjoys days lounging around being care free. She always keeps herself highly groomed and enjoys long baths. No microwave meals for Foxy, oh no, she only eats gourmet with tons of milk to wash it down.
Dislikes:  Foxy hates anyone who gets more attention than her. One person in particular is the lodger's fish Sonny. Unfortunately Foxy was told she has slight paranoia around 3 years ago. She is convinced that the fish is going to kill her, she is not sure how but determined to get there first. 
Powers/Abilities:  Has the ability to look fabulous at all times, even in the mornings!
Fate:  Foxy will be kicked out, occasionally being allowed to come over and eat.
Quotes: " I can resist everything but temptation"is

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